Healing and Living Life after Narcissist Relationships
These abusive relationships shape who you are as a person. I have every right to blame those who traumatized me, but I have to look at myself to work hard to become a stronger person from it.
Honest Confessions from an Ex Bride-to-Be
No matter what you do for the relationship to become better or for you to become better for that person, events and actions will show you are not meant to be with this person. This is not your time, and you just have not met the right person yet. Yet, you are not immune to the feeling of shame. Emotions like that are what I was also afraid of when I thought about ending the engagement.
That Other College Student
For all of us working and going to school, we are in an unfortunate situation somehow. I have met single parents, domestic abuse survivors, disabled people like myself. We all want to prove to the world that we can do extraordinary things despite going through incredible shit in our lives.